Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cobble Stones

I arrive yesterday morning in Brussels. We drove to Izegem. The house looks small from the outside, but the inside has a lot of room. They had bikes ready for us and I am still working on perfecting the fit.

The jet lag hasn't effected me at all. I slept 3 hours on the plane and have had no problem with the new schedule.

Today we rode through some cobble sections. They are really crazy. I lost control once, but kept it up. We went to a small city for coffee then headed home.

These pictures are of the town church and the street the house is on.


Ripsanspich said...
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Ripsanspich said...

I am so excited for you Marcus. Keep the updates comin' I am reading along with ya. And don't forget who makes roasts the best coffee in America!

FLAVIA said...

LOL....have fun on the cobbles!!! it will take a few rides on it....for you to get used to them and start to have some fun!! keep it up Marcus! you will do great!!